مقالاتی در مورد: قوانین شرطبندی ورزشی

قوانین فوتبال ساحلی

Outright Betting is all-in compete or not. Where applicable the podium presentation will determine the settlement of bets. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets.

In the event of any of the named players in a match-changing before the match starts

then all bets void. In the event of a match starting but not being completed then all bets will be void, except for markets where the result is already determined.

In the event of a match starting but not being completed then all bets will be void, unless the specific market outcome is already determined, or unless there is no conceivable way the set and/or match could be played to its natural conclusion without unconditionally determining the result of a specific market.

For example, a set is abandoned at 18-17: bets on Over/Under 35.5 Set - Total Points are settled as winners/losers respectively since any natural conclusion to the set would have yielded at least 36 points.

Current/Next Set Leader After If the quoted number of points is not reached in the specified set, then the team who wins the set will be settled as the winner.

Settlement of Wagers

Statistics provided by the official score(s) provider or the official website of the relevant competition or fixture will be used to settle wagers. Where statistics from an official score(s) provider or official website are not available or there is significant evidence that the official score(s) provider or official website is incorrect, we will use independent evidence to support bet settlement.

In the absence of consistent, independent evidence or in the presence of significant conflicting evidence, bets will be settled based on our own statistics.

به روز شده در: 24/08/2022

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